Cobalt supports the Leeds Lung Health Check programme

Cobalt is delighted to launch support for the Leeds Lung Health Check programme.

Two purpose-designed support units and a state-of-the-art mobile CT with the Siemens go.All ultra-low dose CT scanner provide a fully integrated clinic for deployment in the Leeds community. A big thank you to Yorkshire Cancer Research, Cosby Suppliers, Quest Medical, Siemens Healthineers, Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust and the White Rose Shopping Centre.

The Targeted Lung Health Checks (TLHC) programme forms part of the NHS Long Term Plan to improve early diagnosis and survival for those diagnosed with cancer in the UK.

A lung health check can help find any problems early, and at a stage when treatment could be more straightforward and more successful.

You can learn more about the TLHC programme here.

Lung health check

Take a tour of our mobile CT and integrated support units

Two purpose-designed support units and a state-of-the-art mobile CT with the Siemens go.All ultra-low dose CT scanner provides a fully integrated clinic for deployment in the Leeds community.

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