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World Lung Cancer Day 2023

Today, Tuesday 1 August 2023, we are supporting and raising awareness for World Lung Cancer Day.

Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in the UK, accounting for around a fifth of all UK cancer deaths.

Since 2019, Medical charity Cobalt has been supporting NHS England with the Targeted Lung Health Checks (TLHC) programme, the aim of which is to detect lung cancer earlier and improve survival rates for those patients affected across the UK. Cobalt works in partnership with the NHS in delivering seven TLHC programmes, providing ultra-low-dose CT to the communities.

For every 100 people who have a low-dose CT scan:

  • 82 are likely to report negative.
  • 14 are likely to have a small lung node and will require another scan in three months.
  • 2 are likely to be asked to take further tests.
  • 2 are likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer.

To learn more about how Cobalt is supporting the Targeted Lung Health Checks programme please visit ➡

CT lung Health checks
CT scanner